Harrow Borough Council frequently insists that it ‘provides’ Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) ‘in direct response to residents’ requests’.

However, what it doesn’t actually tell us is how many residents were involved in these decisions.

In North Harrow, some 4,000 questionnaires were sent out to 60 roads, with 240 households indicating that they did want a CPZ. Overall, this is six per cent and so, we would suggest, is hardly a convincing and ‘representative’ majority.

So, Harrow Council’s ‘justification’ for CPZs now seems to depend on a mixture of a manipulation of the figures plus some ‘smoke and mirrors’ activities.

To make matters worse, all those 4,000 questionnaires had a fault that rendered much of the important data on them and their resultant ‘recommendations’ also faulty.

Whatever happened to ‘honesty’ in local politics?

The Friends Of Northumberland Road