Mike Varney starred in an historic week for pickleball at a record-breaking Skechers English OPEN.

Retired physiotherapist Varney, 80, featured in the English Open at the Telford International Centre – the largest pickleball event taking place outside of North America.

With ages from 7 to 70+ competing, the event is reflective of the incredible growth in pickleball over recent years, with a record number of almost 2,000 players from 42 countries participating in a sport which has aspirations of making the Olympic programme.

“My son is living in America, and has been for many years, and of course it’s been extremely popular in America,” said Royston's Varney.

“He used to talk about it and then when I heard about pickleball, I wanted to search for somewhere I might be able to play and there was a club not far from me called Braughing & District.

“So, I went along and having been a squash player I started enjoying playing straight away.

“I think the first one had about 300 competitors and now it’s almost 2,000, so the game in terms of popularity is massive now, it’s really spreading.

“In Hertfordshire, we have something like eight or nine clubs now and that’s happening in most counties.”

This year’s English OPEN comprised seven days of high-level competition, with the world’s top professionals from America, Europe and Asia taking to the court in singles, doubles, mixed, wheelchair and junior events.

A hybrid of tennis, badminton & table tennis, the sport’s popularity has been attributed to its accessibility. Easy to pick up and fun to play, the sport’s accessibility transcends demographics, providing it with universal appeal.

“It is a game all ages can play. I do think the older people, like 50, 60-plus, can great enjoyment out of it because by then, they’re physically not able to play their tennis, their squash or their badminton to the same level,” added Varney.

“But when you take up pickleball, you can still play at a very high level.”

Pickleball England has announced a record number of players competing at this year’s English OPEN from the 8th-14th August at the Telford International Centre in the largest pickleball event taking place outside of the USA EVER – visit pickleballengland.org