A shisha lounge has been fined more than £6,000 after repeatedly ignoring health safety warnings.

Luna Lounge in High Street, Edgware, is said to have put the public at risk by breaching national regulations that prohibit smoking indoors in venues.

It reportedly allowed customers to smoke shisha indoors, which Harrow Council was first aware of in 2021.

The council says a structure was built to serve customers with shisha, and “various attempts” were made by officers to support the owner to resolve the issues, but no action was taken despite advice and warnings.

Rashid Marzoq Almarzoq, the owner of the business, reportedly told the council the structure was there for “security purposes” and claimed shutters were open during trading hours.

He also claimed they were not aware of the requirement to display a ‘no smoking’ sign.

But during a visit in November 2023, officers from the commercial safety team saw the roof of the lounge fully enclosed while customers smoked shisha.

The matter was taken to court and on July 18 at Willesden Magistrates’ Court, the owner pleaded guilty to multiple offences of allowing customers to smoke indoors and the lack of smoking signs.

The company and owner pleaded guilty to offences and were ordered to pay £6,643.50.

Cllr Pritesh Patel, cabinet member for cleaner streets and public safety, said: “Shisha lounge owners should be well aware of the harmful effects of second-hand smoking. The national ban on smoking in enclosed areas is not something new, so there is no excuse for flouting the law. 

“Almarzoq and his company had numerous attempts to comply with the law. He decided to ignore our warnings, so we took him to court.

"I hope this sends a message to anyone else who thinks they can operate like this.

"We will continue to support local businesses to comply with the law and encourage any shisha business to seek our advice to ensure they are compliant with the law.”