A pool and sauna has reopened after being closed for urgent safety repairs for six months.

Harrow Leisure Centre shut its main and learner pool, sauna and steam facilities from March 21 after a building inspection revealed health safety concerns.

Surveyors found the suspended ceiling above the pool needed complete repairs to its hangers.

Harrow Council called it a “complex process” and said it took many months due to being bound by public procurement regulations.

It finally reopened to members on Monday (September 16).

All other facilities at Harrow Leisure Centre including the gym and sports halls remained  unaffected when the works were carried out.

Councillor Janet Mote, who is responsible for community and culture, said: “I’m absolutely delighted that we are once again able to welcome children and adults back into the swimming pool for their lessons, exercise or just to have some fun.

“The health and safety of our residents will always come first and, while I know people have missed their swims, making sure they can do so safely will always be our priority.

“We said we would reopen in September, and I’m pleased we have kept that promise to everyone.”

"We're thrilled to welcome our community back to the facilities.

“We know it's a much-loved and popular facility, and we're pleased to be able to reopen the facility for all members of the family to enjoy as we enter the new school year.”