HAPPINESS is the secret to long life, according to a Harrow man who has celebrated his 100th birthday.

Emeric Novak, who lives in Kenton, was chauffer driven to his party at the Grim's Dyke Hotel in a classic Rolls Royce, where he was surprised by more than 50 friends from all around the world.

He said: “I like everybody and I like people. I'm always interested in what people have got to say – if they're happy, then I'm happy.”

The sprightly centenarian was born in Orşova, Romania, and grew up with his six brothers and sisters working as a confectioner.

When World War II broke out, he moved to Britain to ply his trade and there were plenty of impressive cakes on display at the party.

His granddaughter, Teresa Stevenson, said: “When I was little, I remember all the children always wanted to come to our house to taste all the cakes. He was fabulous at his trade.

“His glass is always half full – he sees the best in everyone and looks on the best side of things.

“He does everything himself and he loves new things – he is always interested in new technology like the internet and email.”

Emeric was surprised by friends and former colleagues from Romania, Ireland and Germany who had travelled specially for the big occasion.

He said: “It's impossible to tell you how surprised I am, I didn't know so many people would be here at the party.”

Emeric has seen two world wars, the invention of airplanes and the computer age, but said the best thing he had seen in his hundred years was his wife Eileen, who died in 2000 aged 92.

And although he said he loved the big party, he pleaded with his granddaughter to keep it simple next year.

He said: “If I live to be 101, I just want an ordinary day – just keep it ordinary!”