The managers of a Harrow shopping centre say they are refurbishing it and are in talks with several new retailers after the council announced a £1million revamp of the street outside.

Landlords at the St George’s Shopping Centre say they are giving the building a new look, less than a month after the council announced a refurbishment of St Ann’s Road – which includes new paving and street furniture.

Councillors have set aside £735,000 for the street to create a “café culture”, decluttering the road and making space for more stalls, performance spaces and play areas for children.

And the Mayor of London’s Outer London Fund has granted £182,000 to redesign Havelock Place to create a pedestrian link between College Road and St Ann’s Road, improve vehicle access, and refurbish shop frontages on the street.

St George’s Centre manager Darren Harman said: “This is a really exciting project for the centre. The new design will maximise commercial opportunities in the centre and provide a modern shopper environment.

“The refurbishment will create a better retail experience for our customers and will create jobs and opportunities in our region”.